Thursday, February 26, 2009

Something to rant

With life being so fucked up,
With budget being so tight,
With reduced working hours,
With cash slowly getting lesser,
With dreams getting bigger and better,
With so little cash,
What else can i do?
What's the suggested solution?
Why the fucked up person always had to be me?
Everything is unfair,the world is unfair,
People who are weak are always in front of you no matter how hard you try,
Weak people are mostly being the most favorable person among others,
No matter how hard you climb,no matter what you've contribute,
You just won't reach the top,Except you're going the other way round(cheating?),
I'm going clean,I've given up,I'm falling....
Just let me fade to the background.....
The world is just so unfair...


Asma said...

i feel you man.
the world is so fucked up.
haih.. i totally get you. i feel the same way >.<

Anonymous said...

that's what i've been thinking..
its just so messed up..

The Lady said...

I want to run to another world!!
uhuhuhuh.. So sad!

Anonymous said...

The lady,you are?
another world,i wished that it ever existed....